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Why Choose VoltShield™

Ritec’s unique VoltShield System™ has been specially developed for the renovation, 'non-stick' protection and maintenance of glass and porcelain electrical insulators.

VoltShield™ prevents pollution build-up on the surface of electrical insulators for:

  • Increased electrical performance

  • Reduced corona activity

  • Reduced flashover failures

  • Potentially increased insulator service life

VoltShield™ is applied either in the factory prior to installation or on-site for insulators already installed.

Why Choose VoltShield: Services

MontAlfa Construction Establishment

+966 (0) 506 466 450

3738 King Abdullah Rd #11
Riyadh 12362
Saudi Arabia

©2021 MontAlfa Construction Establishment

All brand names and product names used in the Site are trade marks or trade names of Ritec International Limited (of which MontAlfa Construction Establishment is an official Marketing Partner of). No permission is given in respect of the use of any of these names and moreover any such use may constitute an infringement of the holder's rights. 
Nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring by implication, estoppel or otherwise any licence to any patent, trade mark or other intellectual property right of Ritec International Limited or any third party.

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